The earliest Apple Inc. personal computers, using the MOS Technology 6502 processors, are among some of the most collectible. They are relatively easy to maintain in an operational state thanks to Apple's use of readily available off-the-shelf parts. bey retro gaming’s popularity grows, vibrant online communities offer camaraderie and valuable r… Read More

“I think users are cognitively overloaded.” That’s a big part of the appeal of Gopher: its text-based interfaces are much simpler than many of today’s web applications. The most common place to pickup a vintage computer is Ebay. There are dozens (maybe hundreds) of sellers offering vintage computers in varying conditions and prices. Some o… Read More

bütün çevirilerimizde son muayeneü anadili erek lisan olan tecrübeli bir editör gerçekle?tirir.  ?stanbul Türkçesi olarak da bilinen türki, Türkiye, ?imal K?br?s ve Avrupa, Asya ve Balkanlar?n di?er bölgelerinde kestirmece 83 milyon isim arac?l???yla sermaye?ulan bir Türk dilidir. oldu, referans istedi?iniz skorda DOC dosyay? ihtiya… Read More